Real Estate

Feel Confident About Buying A Forever Home By Considering The Future

1 October 2018
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Buying a starter home and figuring out all the features that you want should not be that challenging, because you can look at your current situation to reach conclusions. But, when you want to purchase a forever home, you must try looking far into the future. While you may not know exactly what you want and need in the future, you can feel confident about buying a property when you take certain things into consideration. Read More …

Looking At Homes For Sale? 3 Reasons To Prioritize Multi-Story Homes

1 October 2018
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Living in a rental gives you the flexibility to move whenever your lease ends, but you may be comfortable with settling down in one place for a while and purchasing a house. This is when you will have to analyze all the features that you can get with a home and decide on priorities. Although you will find a lot of one-story homes for sale, you can enjoy a number of advantages by prioritizing multi-story houses when you go house hunting and are ready to put in offers. Read More …

When A Non-Real Estate Agent Offers To Buy Your Home For Cash

28 September 2018
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

It happens. A stranger knocks on your door. You answer it, and he/she tells you that he/she wants to buy your home for cash. If you need the money, you might be tempted. Before you go ahead, consider the following. Is the Person a Real Estate Agent? Ask the person making the offer if he/she is a real estate agent or realtor. He/she does not have to be either, but it is important to know all the same. Read More …

3 Reasons Fall Is a Great Time to Purchase a Home

28 September 2018
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Summer may be one of the most popular times of year for home buying, but fall is also a great time of year to purchase a home. During the fall, you'll get more time with your real estate agent, you'll encounter eager sellers, and the competition will not be as fierce. #1 More Time with Your Real Estate Agent Spring and summer are two of the busiest times of year to purchase a home, which means any real estate agent that you work with is more than likely going to be working to the max during these periods. Read More …

What Is An HOA Management Company?

28 September 2018
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

If you recently moved into a community that is controlled and managed by a homeowners' association (HOA), there is probably a management company that handles the duties for the HOA. As a resident of this community, you are part of this HOA, and it is important to understand what the management company does. Here are several things you should know about the company that manages the HOA in your community. Read More …